Lee’s Foundation Life Coaching Programme:
- So you think you may have totally bombed out in the successes of life!
- You may have been successful in some areas of your life, and not in others.
- You may even be totally successful in the traditional sense of the word, and yet still feel there’s something important missing in your life, if only you could get an idea of what that something is!
Whatever your experience has been, you’ve come across this website for a reason - you want more from life! Intrinsically, you know there’s more to life than this. What is it though? What keeps niggling at you to improve, to feel better about yourself, to get it right for a change?
And just when you decide to do something about the situation, something always seems to get in the way, you procrastinate, you put it off, even though you know it would be good for you to do! The self-sabotaging is constant! Frustration sets in!
This is where Lee’s Foundation Life Coaching Programme can help you break the negative cycle once and for always!

Please contact Lee now for your free introductory session!

Time For You, PO Box 3228, NEW PLYMOUTH, New Zealand
06-753-8988 021-402-200 Email: lee@time4u.co.nz