Lee’s Deep Mantra Meditation Retreats:
Deep Mantra Meditation Retreats are held at Wilkinson’s Castle every June and November. They commence at 6pm Friday and finish at 5pm Sunday. Beautiful Wilkinson’s Castle is approximately 45 minutes North of New Plymouth. It’s secluded position near the Wai-iti Cliffs is just perfect for a Meditation Retreat!

You’ll experience the following:
- An easy-to-follow Weekend Workbook
- Supportive 24 hour Supervision by Lee
- Relaxing Pamper Time Experiences
- Delightful Accommodation and Yummy Vegetarian Food
Additional Benefits of a Deep Mantra Meditation Retreat:
- You are literally fast-tracking the release of some really deep-rooted stresses, in a safe, supportive and very comfortable way! This enables the listed benefits below to manifest even more quickly!
- You are also giving your mind and body the amazing opportunity to have some serious rest!
- This weekend Meditation Retreat is not only great for singles, it’s also fabulous for couples, and helps build a fantastic foundation for better quality and more improved relationships!
- And after only two days, you’ll feel amazingly rested and refreshed, maybe even feel like you’ve just had a couple of weeks holiday!
- All this, as well as the usual benefits listed below!

Please Please CLICK HERE for your booking form
NB: Eligibility to the Deep Mantra Meditation Retreats is restricted to a maximum of
10 participants who have either learned Deep Mantra Meditation or
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi’s Transcendental Meditation.

Time For You, PO Box 3228, NEW PLYMOUTH, New Zealand
06-753-8988 021-402-200 Email: lee@time4u.co.nz