Lee’s Magnetic Meridian Healing:
Release stuck emotions that are holding you back from living the life you desire!
Just like on a credit card magnetic strip, previously programmed information that is no longer relevant in your life, can be easily wiped clean, literally, with powerful magnets, for you to start to move forward again in your life.
You no longer need to constantly self-sabotage yourself with negative subconscious beliefs, leaving you to live a light and productive life with a potentially happy future!
- You can literally fast-track the release of some really deep-rooted emotions that have been stuck on your system, sometimes for years and years! These emotions, some of which you have not been aware of, can be very quickly removed in a safe, supportive and very comfortable way! This can then enable you to start thinking more positively about your immediate life, which in turn, can help you to create a more exciting future for yourself!
- The insights that come up in the healing can be amazing! You can learn just exactly which stuck emotions have been sabotaging what you’ve wanted to achieve in your life! You may also be interested to find out at what age and circumstances those emotions became stuck on your system!
- The releasing of these stuck emotions can happen one by one, however sometimes, there are ‘bundles’ of emotions released all at the same time. As everyone is different, how you release your stuck emotions will be unique to you!
- You can then experience how quickly these charged emotions can be released!
- You can also experience confirmation that these stuck emotions have been released!
- You can then sit back and watch how your life starts to unfold in amazing ways!
Please contact Lee now for more information.
Time For You, PO Box 3228, NEW PLYMOUTH, New Zealand
06-753-8988 021-402-200 Email: lee@time4u.co.nz