Meet Lee:
Lee absolutely loves Personal Development Coaching! Every new client she works with, if they stick with her, will start to experience their personal power and have what they truly want in life.
Lee has had over 30 years of Personal Development experience. Initially, having had Post-natal Depression for 9 months, she knew things weren’t working out for her as she had hoped. She started looking around for guidance, and after heading up several dead-end alleys, it became clear to her that Coaching was a tentatively new area to venture into. Lee initially became a qualified Counsellor, did three years as a Lifeline Counsellor, and began her own coaching business. She is also a qualified Adult Teacher. Lee started to realise what worked, and what didn’t. Several coaching programmes later, and having done years and years of personal research, she eventually created her own Life Coaching Programmes, using her teaching skills and the wisdom and knowledge of some of the very best international teachers on the planet. It all comes back to the ultimate in simplicity!
Lee’s unique Life Coaching Programmes can spark insights, increase personal power and expand her clients' ability to create whatever they want - in a way that can ultimately change their lives forever!
So, if you are ready to roll up your sleeves and get to work on improving your life, to overcome any challenges and setbacks, and create and live a truly rewarding life experience, then contact Lee now! She can arrange for a free introductory meeting for you both to get to know each other!

Time For You, PO Box 3228, NEW PLYMOUTH, New Zealand
06-753-8988 021-402-200 Email: lee@time4u.co.nz